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1.5.2 Quickstart

Assuming you have satisfied the dependencies, open a terminal and proceed with the following steps:

cd <download-path>
tar zxf grip-0.2.0.tar.gz
cd grip-0.2.0
./configure [--prefix=/your/prefix] [--with-guile-site=yes]
make install

Grip comes with a tests suite, which you may run (recommended) using:

make check

Happy Grip!


  1. The default and --prefix installation locations for source modules and compiled files (in the absence of --with-guile-site=yes, otherwise see below) are:


    In the above, $(datadir) is substituted to the default /usr/local/share or /your/prefix/share and $(libdir) is substituted to /usr/local/lib or /your/prefix/lib, when/if --prefix was passed.

    $(GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION) is substituted to the stable version number with which Grip is being compile, for example, 2.2

    Unless you passed --with-guile-site=yes, you must augment Guile’s %load-path and %load-compiled-path, respectively, with the two (substituted) paths described above, so that Guile finds Grip’s installed source modules and compiled files.

    To do this, you either (a) create/update your personnal ~/.guile file, (b) update Guile’s global site init.scm file or (c) define/update both GUILE_LOAD_PATH and GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH (Make sure you read Guile’s manual ‘Environment Variables’ and ‘Load Paths’ subsections if you are not familiar).

    Here is an example for (c), assuming these variables were not already defined and no --prefix has been given, using the Bash shell:

    export GUILE_LOAD_PATH="/usr/local/share/grip"
    export GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH="/usr/local/lib/grip/guile/2.2/site-ccache"
  2. If you pass --with-guile-site=yes, Grip’s source modules and compiled files will be installed using Guile’s global site and site-ccache directories, respectively. You may check these two locations using:
    guile -c "(display (%global-site-dir)) (newline)"
    guile -c "(display (%site-ccache-dir)) (newline)"
  3. To install Grip, you must have write permissions to the default or $prefix dir and its subdirs, as well as to both Guile’s global site and site-ccache directories if --with-guile-site=yes was passed.

  4. Like for any other GNU Tool Chain compatible software, you may install the documentation locally using make install-html [or make install-pdf ...].

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