The GOSSIP Simulation Environment


Right now, we don't have any pre-built packages for the current version of GOSSIP. If you know how to build packages, and would like to package GOSSIP, please contact us.

Installation from Source

The source packages of GOSSIP follow the GNU standard for configuration, which is probably familiar to you already. In general, the packages themselves contain the most detailed and most upto date instructions on how they would like to be installed in a file called INSTALL, and you should read these files. Here we give you only a quick overview of a normal installation and point you to places where external packages might be gotten from.

Especially when you install packages in some other location than /usr/local/, things are probably not so easy as they are portrayed here.

  1. Make sure you have the packages that Gossip depends on.

    For gossip-sim, you need guile-1.6.0.

    For gossip-ed, you need gossip-sim and Gtk+ and guile-gtk, preferably in their latest versions.

    The various GOSSIP library packages might require additional software to be installed on your system. Please refer to the packages in question.

  2. Download the sources of gossip-sim and gossip-ed from the download area.

  3. Unpack them in some suitable directory. The tarballs create a new directory that will be filled, so you don't need to worry that files will spill all over your current directory.
    $ tar xzf gossip-sim-0.9.1.tar.gz
    $ cd gossip-sim-0.9.1

  4. Configure the sources for your system.
    $ ./configure
    Run ./configure --help to learn about the options hat you can pass to configure.

  5. Compile the sources into the final executables.
    $ make

  6. Install the executables in the system.
    # make install
    You probably need to be root for this step.

  7. Repeat for the rest of the packages, like gossip-ed and any block libraries.

Installation on RedHat Linux

There are RPMs available in the download area for recent versions of RedHat Linux. In particular, there are

The packages above were tested with Helixcode's Gnome packages on Redhat 6.2 (Zoot). To install one of these packages, run rpm like this
# rpm -U gossip-sim-0.8.2-1.i386.rpm
You need to be root to do this. The packages contain dependency information so that you will learn what other packages you need to install when trying to install one of the GOSSIP packages.

Some packages that you might need are

To uninstall a package with rpm, do something like this
# rpm -e gossip-sim

Build your own RPM Packages

Get the .tar.gz files

You must download .tar.gz file even if you don't want to install the GOSSIP from .tar.gz. The .spec files are used to build rpms and, more important, the source code  are keep in the .tar.gz files.
After download,  put the .tar.gz files into
Here I assume that you are using Redhat  and you have  NOT change the configuration of the rpm. If you are using other packages like debain  or you are not sure, try the following to find  RPM_SOURCE_DIR .
# rpm --showrc
You may need to trace it down since, in most of the case,  the value  depends on other macro definitions. If you are still not sure here, check out the for more information about how to use RPM.

Get the .spec files

Either download the .spec files from download section above or open .tar.gz file to get it.
You can modify the .spec files for your own needs
Put the .spec file where you want but remember the place.

Make the rpm package

Switch to root first and go the place where you put the .spec files before.
To build the gossip-sim
# rpm -ba gossip-sim-0.8.spec
To build the gossip-ed
# rpm -ba gossip-ed-0.0.spec
If it is ok, you can pick up the rpm files for your platform somewhere below /usr/src/redhat/RPMS depending your platform( again assuming  the Redhat).