The GNU Modula-2 front end to GCC



    Description: provides a set of wrappers to some client side
                 tcp socket primatives.

FROM ChanConsts IMPORT OpenResults ;


   clientInfo = ADDRESS ;

   clientOpen - returns an ISO Modula-2 OpenResult.
                It attempts to connect to:  hostname:portNo.
                If successful then the data structure, c,
                will have its fields initialized.

PROCEDURE clientOpen (c: clientInfo;
                      hostname: ADDRESS;
                      length: CARDINAL;
                      portNo: CARDINAL) : OpenResults ;

   clientOpenIP - returns an ISO Modula-2 OpenResult.
                  It attempts to connect to:  ipaddress:portNo.
                  If successful then the data structure, c,
                  will have its fields initialized.

PROCEDURE clientOpenIP (c: clientInfo;
                        ip: CARDINAL;
                        portNo: CARDINAL) : OpenResults ;

   getClientPortNo - returns the portNo from structure, c.

PROCEDURE getClientPortNo (c: clientInfo) : CARDINAL ;

   getClientHostname - fills in the hostname of the server
                       the to which the client is connecting.

PROCEDURE getClientHostname (c: clientInfo;
                             hostname: ADDRESS; high: CARDINAL) ;

   getClientSocketFd - returns the sockFd from structure, c.

PROCEDURE getClientSocketFd (c: clientInfo) : INTEGER ;

   getClientIP - returns the sockFd from structure, s.

PROCEDURE getClientIP (c: clientInfo) : CARDINAL ;

   getPushBackChar - returns TRUE if a pushed back character
                     is available.

PROCEDURE getPushBackChar (c: clientInfo; VAR ch: CHAR) : BOOLEAN ;

   setPushBackChar - returns TRUE if it is able to push back a

PROCEDURE setPushBackChar (c: clientInfo; ch: CHAR) : BOOLEAN ;

   getSizeOfClientInfo - returns the sizeof (opaque data type).

PROCEDURE getSizeOfClientInfo () : CARDINAL ;

END wrapsock.