
G-Wrap depends on: In addition, if you build G-Wrap for Guile-Gnome and Guile-Clutter, which is most probably the case, you also need:


G-Wrap uses git for revision control. The most recent sources can be found at Savannah.

There are currently 2 branches: master and devel. Note that unlike Guile's git organization, G-Wrap's stable branch is master, developments occur on the devel branch. To clone, configure, compile and install from the master branch:

The above steps ensure you're using G-Wrap's bleeding edge stable version. If you wish to participate to developments, checkout the devel branch:

Happy hacking!


  1. In the above ./ step, you see you can pass configure arguments. But you may want to use the option --noconfigure to disable the configure run if you want to do an out-of-tree build (which is recommended).

  2. In the above ./ step, --prefix=/your/prefix is optional. The default value is /usr/local.

  3. To install G-Wrap, you must have write permissions to the $prefix dir and its subdirs.

  4. G-Wrap's modules will be installed in $prefix/share/guile/site. If it differs from Guile's global site directory, then this path must be aded to Guile's load paths before to use G-Wrap and compile Guile-Gnome or Guile-Clutter. You may check Guile's values using:

    • guile -c "(display (%global-site-dir)) (newline)"
    • guile -c "(display %load-path) (newline)"

    To augment Guile's load paths, you can: (a) create/update your personnal ~/.guile file, (b) update Guile's global site located init.scm file or (c) define/update your GUILE_LOAD_PATH shell environment variable.

  5. Like for any other GNU Tool Chain compatible software, you may install the documentation locally using make install-info, make install-html and/or make install-pdf.