Communication system

This paper explains how we will implement the comunications between entities. An entity is a copy of Frozen Bubble with networking enabled. We go through some paragraphs, describing what we will code.


In Game Protocol
Packet description
Entity behavior description
Synchronization and random events
Pre-game protocol
Packet description
Entity behavior description


Before coding we planned our protocol, examining what problems we could encounter. First, we distinguished between a "pre-game"protocol and an "in-game" protocol. Our problem was to find a list of the hosts able to play with. A(n) host should not be too distant from us to mantain a good playability. When we retrieve the list of the hosts, we can play a single game with the chosen host. In this case we need a syncronized protocol, or something that looks like :) Well, this paragraph should be only an introduction. If you want more, read further! Other problems were related to reliability of the comunication, but we discuss about this later too.

As a summary, the problems we needed to solve were:
Little NOTE: the next section explains the in-game protocol, since the pre-game protocol is simpler and is discussed later.

In Game Protocol: Interlaced Asynchronous

Our first "in-game" protocol came out discovering a list of needs among which we can find:

Packet description

The sample packet we send across the network is a couple of status words, one for each gaming entity, a couple of univocal signa (we used timestamps) and a simple parity. The status word is data that must be sent, collected from the input queue of the game.

[imagine... greatest song ever. nbIago blah]

Entity behavior description

A game session is composed of two entities sending packets, synchronized in the way that follows.
The two entities, from now on A and B, send the packet described above in an independent way. (In the pre-game session they (A, B) synchronized a clock, but this doesn't change the way the two entities interact later.) The first packet that the A entity sends contain an empty remote status word, while the local status word is generated by the first state inserted in the event queue and the univocal reference (time).
The following packets are identical, except for the remote status word (it changes to the received local status word, that's local to the remote host).  The following packets are generated concatenating the local and remote status word. As a completition, for each packet received one packet is sent as a reply.
If the received packet is coherent with the status word sent (it means that the received remote status word and the local word are the same) a new local status word is collected from the game event queue and the received local status word is sent above to the game. New packets will have a new local status word, but an unchanged remote status word.
If the received packet is incoherent the packet transmitted will contain the old remote status word. (This reflects the need for a transmitter buffer).

This structure requires a strict latency calculation in order to mantain a good playability. Before proceeding we defined a maximum latency to avoid game slowdowns. In this moment it's about 40 ms. When we will have completed our tests probably it will change. We put our hands in frozen-bubble to test the slowdown of such a timer, changing $TARGET_ANIM_SPEED to the original value of 20 plus 1/8 of the maximum latency. Then we added a fictitious delay, as heavy as the maximum latency admitted, in the input management cycle.

Synchronization and random events

Frozen bubble includes also some rand() calls, so we have to synchronize also the random seed to get a coherent evolution of he game. We are examining the code so to understand in which ways we can modify the code, but probably all the synchronization will be done with a srand() during the communication setup.

Pre-game Protocol

The pre-game protocol looks simpler than the in-game protocol. Just now it is based on multicasting. Every entity subscribes an multicast group and sends an Available packet.

Packet description

The packet contains an identifier (name) and the version of the game/protocol. In each packet is present also a time reference (signum/identifier) and a command. Each host can get informations about the other end of the comunication (multicast or unicast) socket from the IP headers included.
The command contained in the packet is one of the following:

Entity behavior description

Every entity subscribes the predefined multicast group, as said. Then it sends a PING/AVAILABLE packet to the group. Each entity that receives this packet replies with an unicast packet, in order to get an accurate latency calculation. When the hosts have a good evaluation of the round trip time they include the remote host in the list of the available hosts. As a note, the hosts included in this list aren't distant more than a specified delay.
When an host wants to leave the game session sends an ENDGAME packet so to disappear from the list of the available hosts. Instead, if an host doesn't want to play, it sends an AWAY packet.