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The Track System

The Free Curriculum Project's default High School curriculum consists of a core and three tracks. The core is outlined in the file core.text.

The tracks restrict students to a set of electives. Every student takes at least one year long (or two semester long) course(s) from each track. Students do not select a track until their Junior years. Students who change their minds after their Junior years can still successfully complete another track.

The system is designed to be flexible, respectful of all students, and to provide a well-rounded course of study for all students.

We call one track the "Science and Mathematics" track. It suits students who want to pursue a college program in the Natural, Physical, or Computer Sciences, Mathematics, or Engineering.

We call another track the "Social Sciences" track. It suits students who desire a degree in one of the Liberal Arts.

We call the remaining track the "Fine and Practical Arts" track. It suits students who wish to pursue the Fine Arts and those who do not intend to attend college and would prefer to focus their High School studies on practical skills.

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