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5.14 Window

Emacsy aims to offer the minimal amount of intrusion to acquire big gains in program functionality. Windows is an optional module for Emacsy. If you want to offer windows that behave like Emacs windows, you can, but you aren’t required to.

Class: <window>

The window class contains a renderable window that is associated with a buffer.

Class: <internal-window>

The internal window class contains other windows.

Variable: root-window
Variable: window-configuration-change-hook
Variable: current-window
Scheme Procedure: initialize (obj <internal-window>) initargs
Scheme Procedure: window? o
Scheme Procedure: window-live? o
Scheme Procedure: frame-root-window
Scheme Procedure: edges->bcoords edges

Emacs uses the edges of windows (left top right bottom), but I’m more comfortable using bounded coordinate systems (left bottom width height). So let’s write some converters.

Scheme Procedure: bcoords->edges coords
Scheme Procedure: window-clone (window <window>)
Scheme Procedure: selected-window
Scheme Procedure: update-window (window <internal-window>)
Scheme Procedure: window-tree (w <internal-window>)
Scheme Procedure: window-tree (w <window>)
Scheme Procedure: window-list #:optional (w root-window)
Interactive Procedure: split-window #:optional (window (selected-window)) (size 0.5) (side (quote below))

Be careful with deep-clone. If you deep clone one window that has references to other windows, you will clone entire object graph.

Interactive Procedure: split-window-below #:optional (size 0.5)
Interactive Procedure: split-window-right #:optional (size 0.5)
Interactive Procedure: delete-window #:optional (window (selected-window))
Interactive Procedure: other-window #:optional (count 1)

Cycling order for recenter-top-bottom.

Interactive Procedure: recenter-top-bottom #:optional arg

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