Note: The timestamps here are NZST (UTC -10, New Zealand.) The meeting began on Jul 14 at 13:30 EDT, (UTC +5, Eastern US.) Ahh, the joys of internet communications. Props to ajmitch. Pre-meeting =========== [04:59] ducttape (~dif2@ joined #dotgnu-auth. [04:59] heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelo! [04:59] Action: ducttape bounces in to see whats happening [05:00] um, not alot it would appear [05:02] yeah, it's slower than molasses in November in here. [05:04] FrePort_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) [05:17] FrePort_ ( joined #dotgnu-auth. [05:26] WHEN DOES THE MEETING START? [05:26] Supposedly at 1330 US-EST. [05:26] ok [05:27] but I'm not seeing lot's of action on people arriving and so on. [05:27] so, we may just be in another cancellation via non-participation. [05:27] damn [05:29] my sentiments exactly. [05:33] acK [05:33] reset [05:35] fitzix ( joined #dotgnu-auth. [05:35] hello [05:36] lo! [05:36] hey there ducttape, how are things? [05:36] yay! we got one! [05:36] lol [05:36] hey there alias [05:36] I'm sadly a little bit behind [05:36] WOW! we have more than 3 live people! [05:36] been very busy over the past few weeks [05:36] Action: ducttape pronounces this meeting open [05:36] business stuff, new PC, mother moving to Arizona... ugh [05:36] doesnt it not start for another hour? [05:37] new PC!!! [05:37] 13:30 EST! [05:37] w0000 [05:37] four live people. [05:37] i'm just here representing vrs [05:37] and actually on time too! [05:37] hehe - I couldn't that would be 9 minutes ago [05:37] i dont really have anything constructive to say about auth [05:37] =\ [05:38] constructive is a relative term [05:38] FrePort_: yes, last time I chequed 4>3 [05:38] ok, is there an agenda to these things? [05:38] special announcement: [05:39] ok, anyone want to be chair person or shall I do it? [05:39] if you haven't noticed, we got our .org domain name back [05:39] how did we manage that? [05:39] well the DNS hasn't updated yet! [05:40] Ok, as noone else wants to shall I chair? [05:40] any objections? [05:40] go ahead :) Meeting (ducttape chairs) ======================== [05:40] ok, does everyone know who everyone is? [05:41] I'll take that as a yes [05:41] ok, [05:42] FrePort_: would you like to update us on how your progressing? [05:44] what? [05:46] well is anyone actually alive here? [05:48] Action: ducttape poiks people and prepares to stamp feet [05:48] i' mhere [05:48] but i'm just here to talk about vrs [05:48] that was the original plan cause they want to see what place auth has with vrs [05:48] i'm not actively working on the auth project [05:48] ok, if the various auth projects give us an update then you can explain auth [05:48] OK - let [05:48] and is someone logging this? [05:48] s start there [05:49] The _dog_ bot does the logging. [05:49] _dog_: woof [05:50] ok [05:50] right [05:50] OK - let's start with VRS' place in auth then [05:50] ducttape: sound good? Auth Integration Progress ------------------------ [05:50] FrePort_: can you tell us how FrePort_ is going? [05:50] ans specifically the integration with MACS [05:50] Sure... [05:50] do we have mds or kalahari? [05:51] nope, neither one it seems. [05:51] Action: FrePort_ pokes mds. [05:51] ok, then, FrePort_ and the integration [05:51] FrePort_: the floor is yours [05:51] Basically, mds and I have discussed integration in two different directions. [05:52] The first was to build FrePort as a set of adapters to MACS. The second was to incorporate the FrePort code into MACS proper, but have it swapped in and out via a modular core logic component. [05:53] mds favours the first approach. I favour the second. [05:53] how do you intend to decide which one to use? [05:54] Right now mds is iterating the MACS@Freport diagram and some of my verbiage to see which way he will fall. I've given him my arguments in the previous meeting's logs. [05:55] ok [05:55] Basically, the method I favour reduces bloat and makes MACS more flexible, but at the expense of more complex setup and coding. [05:56] his method let's him get MACS out the door to decrease his time on ROI. [05:57] It's sticky, because we both see the goal, but he wants to slam it from 20m and I want to rush the net. [05:57] when will you know which will be done? [05:57] Action: ducttape would recommend a cautaus but rapid approach [05:57] I believe mds will release his iteration of the diagram at next week's meeting, or whenever he comes conscious. [05:57] brb - phone [05:58] right [05:58] So, the progress right now is - my team is waiting on mds. [05:58] oh [05:58] is there anything you can do in the mean time? [05:59] We know that whichever way this is decided the Freport infrastructure is a dead goose. We'll have to rip out most of it to wedge into MACS. [05:59] are you happy with that happening? [06:00] And since the parts that we don't have to wedge into Macs (the encryption and decryption) are largely done; there's no point in developing parts we won't need. Why waste effort. [06:01] I'll be happy the day I can write a press release for slashdot. [06:01] Action: FrePort_ chuckles. [06:01] is the stuff which is staying tested? [06:02] In the meantime, my only concern is my developers becoming bored or discovering a social life, or more likely a new PS-II game. [06:02] lol [06:03] only in alpha, and only with previous releases of the dependent libraries. [06:03] when did we last here from mds [06:03] ? [06:03] two weeks ago. [06:03] Sunday before last. [06:04] ah [06:04] no emails or anything since? [06:04] what about cvs? [06:04] For Freport? [06:04] for MACS, has there been enything put in recently? [06:04] anything* [06:04] No public CVS access. We felt it important to have something that actually worked to baseline spec before releasing for porting and modification. [06:05] ah [06:05] For MACS? I have no idea. I =belkieve= there's a sourceforge CVS for it. [06:05] ok [06:06] so the FrePort_ summary for the week is - quake and alchohol? [06:06] and that's about it for Freport integration with MACS. We're in hurry up and wait mode" [06:06] okies [06:06] anyone got anything else to say on FrePort_ ? or MACS? [06:07] Action: FrePort_ chuckles. Friends don't let friends frag drunkenly. [06:07] :o) [06:08] Oh, one more thing! [06:08] go on [06:09] I will be going on an extended vacation towards the end of August and will be unavailable to do much of anything. After I return, I'll be tied up at a contract and so my time will be limitted until 30 November . [06:09] ok [06:09] going anywhere nice? [06:10] So, it's kind of imperative that we have some sort of integration "plan" by the end of August. [06:10] otherwise, we'll be sitting mostly dead until November. [06:10] dead != good [06:10] dead <= shite poor. [06:11] or is that shite(poor) [06:11] either gets the point across [06:11] Action: alias just got back.. [06:11] alias: get ready your on next [06:12] FrePort_: anything else? [06:12] Nope, that's it. Can alias do his VRS bit now? [06:12] yup VRS auth ------- [06:12] ok [06:12] i'm here [06:12] sure [06:12] Action: ducttape thanks FrePort_ on behalf of everyone [06:12] now? [06:12] Action: ducttape picks the floor up from FrePort_ and hands it to alias [06:12] go [06:13] thanks.. [06:13] so i didnt read anything that FrePort said before =\ [06:13] what i am about to tell you about vrs is only for the purpose of determining whether macs, Freport, or macs@Freport has any place in vrs [06:14] ok [06:14] VRS (Virtual Remote Server) is a clustering technology which enables many nodes to coordinate their activities to act as one centralized virtual server [06:15] The purpose of VRS is to enable "peers" to combine and do something that none of them could have done alone [06:15] kinda like the devastator from transformers...=) [06:16] lol [06:16] shades of Voltron... "Can i whack him with the sword puleeze? [06:16] a VRS's main function is to provide webservices or Executable Object Datasets (EODs) as we call em [06:16] ha [06:17] alias: can you give us some url's for details about webservices or EOD's we can put in the logs for newbies who read them? [06:17] excutables are written in what language, BTW? [06:17] another important thing i would like to note is that there is anonymity of a node's identity to the outside client of the VRS once a node joins a VRS [06:17] undefined? or purposefully undefined? [06:17] for example, if i write a webservice that provides information about MS's secret plans, no one can know that it was me once i join the VRS [06:18] no set in stone, but the rule of thumb is that EODs can also run in SEE [06:18] so its alittle like FreeNet in that sense? [06:18] so i *guess* you can write em in whatever language that is suppoesd to be supported [06:19] ducttape: yes, as in it is a p2p technology, no as in it does something much much more [06:19] what does it do which is more? [06:19] FreeNet or Gnutella or whatever isnt a server [06:19] it just lets people share files [06:19] well, its a set of protocols for sharing [06:19] explain the difference in serve and share [06:20] you can run executables in VRS [06:20] there is a notion of a client interacting with the VRS [06:20] you dont have to join the VRS to use its resources [06:20] ah ok [06:21] each node that is participating in a VRS runs a Local Data Server (LDS) [06:21] an LDS consists of: [06:21] 1. Cluster Manager [06:22] 2. Service Manager [06:22] 3. Repository Manager [06:22] 1. The CM is in charge of "keeping the VRS network together" for a lack of a better phrase [06:22] its in charge of keeping track of which nodes join and leave the VRS [06:23] is there any redundancy in the CM? PCM and BCM perhaps? like PDC and BDC? [06:23] it keeps track of what webservices each LDS has installed and running [06:23] and any other cluster management info we need (routing info, etcetc) [06:23] ducttape: i'll get to that [06:23] ok [06:23] sorry [06:24] no its ok, just shows that you're paying attention =) [06:24] back - sorry [06:24] go on :) [06:24] thanks =) [06:24] 2. The SM's sole responsibility is to take service requests and then load a EOD if it hasnt already been loaded and then serve it [06:24] pretty straight forward [06:25] serve? you mean, execute it and return the output to the user, or send the executable to the user? [06:25] now there was talk about not only making the EOD's compatible with SEE, but also we might want to use the SEE VM inside the SM. [06:25] ducttape: execute it and return the output to the user [06:25] ok [06:25] ducttape: its like a little webserver [06:26] like CGI [06:26] ducttape: or whatever server [06:26] well, you can write a CGI EOD [06:26] but you can also write a EOD that serves a mud [06:26] ok [06:26] 3. The Repository Manager - h0h0h0HAhAehHAHAEh [06:27] The RM 's sole responsibilty is to keep a Virtual File System [06:27] a Virtual Distributed File System [06:28] this VFS is an actual file system and all nodes in a VRS will share [06:28] physically, each LDS will hold a piece of the data [06:28] file system as in mount -t vrs type file system? [06:29] to start with, think of a RAID setup where we throw each block on different nodes [06:29] ducttape: if you wrote a EOD to do that yes [06:29] sorry peeps for theses questions [06:29] the VFS can only be accessed directly by the CM and the SM [06:29] I would think of it as more a FS provided by the network service - like NFS, but only not mounted - rather, accessed by the client, which could theoretically be mounted [06:29] if that makes sense [06:29] np [06:29] alias: so the FS, it still uses the local filesystem to store it, but is seen by the VRS as the equivelent of /dev/hda1? [06:30] ya [06:30] something like that [06:30] ok [06:30] Action: fitzix imagines remote /boot and / partitions being mounted by a think VRS client over a network [06:30] i think yes. not sure what you mean by "equivalent of /dev/hda1" [06:30] but ya [06:30] carry on [06:30] oh, that' sgoing to make me wet my bed tonight :) [06:30] fitzix: pls! [06:31] s/think/thin [06:31] Action: ducttape tries to bring the tone back up :o) [06:31] ducttape: lol - sorry :) [06:31] the VFS will have redundancy, it will be failsafe (tolerate LDS's leaving and coming dynamically) [06:31] alias: to what level will it tolerate it? [06:31] i dunno how much detail i should go into this [06:31] ducttape: best we can... best we can.. [06:31] as much as you feel necessary [06:32] for teh purposes of auth, all auth needs to know is that the data of an LDS, whether its a EOD they installed, or just files they wanted to keep on the VFS, could be on any number of other LDS. [06:33] so let me say a bit more about the VFS before i list some of the places where i see authentication/authorization being needed [06:33] okies [06:34] the VFS is a big monster. eventually, we want intelligent ways to: keep data redundant, place duplicate copies of blocks, keep all the copies *consistent*, sychronize them. acK!! [06:34] makes rsync look like a walk in the park with Winnie the Pooh. [06:34] one more note, each part of the VFS that a LDS stores on the local disk is encrypted and not coherent to anyone who may be looking at the disk natively from the OS. [06:34] Action: ducttape ponders everest as a possible short stroll once those problems are solved [06:35] exactly. [06:35] to be honest. these are goals that no one has yet to achieve, and i will be happy if we get 20% there [06:35] but we have good milestones so we can do it in stages [06:35] 5 20s equal a 100. [06:36] exactly [06:36] gotta plan for the future guys.. its all for the kids =) [06:36] it's stored on a raw partition? [06:36] so stepping back a second, me as Jo R user, makes a request from some client to the VRS [06:36] this goes to the CM yes? [06:36] fitzix: havent thought about that, just assumed it can be on the native fs [06:37] let me go through a possible scenario for a client request ok? [06:37] ok [06:37] alias: That's true... and in fact, setting up a raw partition would create extra config for the client [06:37] maybe that'll illustrate the important parts of what the VRS does without me describing everything in detail [06:37] a use case would be very helpful at this point; I agree. [06:37] Our scenario has ducttape making a request to a apache EOD. [06:38] eek :o) [06:38] ducttape connects to port 80 of a public LDS node in the VRS [06:39] what happens is the http request goes to the CM of the LDS ducttape connected to [06:39] say LDS A [06:39] http://a:80/ [06:39] the CM of LDS A says "Who has the apache EOD installed?" [06:40] ducttape: no, the VRS is a whole entity from the outside [06:40] ok [06:40] no it will be http://alias-vrs:80/ [06:40] CM does its magic and then routes the request to an LDS who has that EOD [06:41] that EOD then gets the files alias-nude.jpg and serves it back to the client [06:41] is that too general? [06:41] dt then throws up :o) [06:41] where do the SM and RM come in? [06:41] questions? [06:41] hahah [06:41] ducttape: internal services (?) [06:41] oh oops [06:41] that's right. [06:41] i skipped some steps, sorry [06:42] Action: ducttape wonders where they went :o) [06:42] the CM of LDS A routes the request to LDS B who has apache EOD installed. [06:42] CM of LDS B passes that request to SM of LDS B [06:42] SM of LDS B asks the RM of LDS B for alias-killing-dt.jpg [06:42] remind me what LDS is? [06:42] SM then passes that info back to the CM and then back to EOD [06:43] Local Data Server [06:43] ok [06:43] its what each node runs [06:43] LDS = {CM, RM, SM} [06:43] Action: ducttape kinda understands now [06:43] of course, many details are glossed over, partly because we dont know and partly because its not important for auth [06:43] so let me do another use case and then i'll talk about where i see security being needed [06:44] Lets say we have an LDS with a distributed computing EOD [06:44] so where does the auth bit come in? is it the CM cheques with the auth server that the user can a) run the executable b) access the data c) something I have missed? [06:44] ducttape: not there yet [06:44] i left out all auth stuff [06:45] oh [06:45] Action: ducttape sits down again and does a mouth.shut() [06:45] cause a) we dont have a security model yet and b) i want ideas from people without me contaminating them with my ideas for where auth should happen [06:45] oops [06:46] i have a factor-prime-number EOD [06:46] i run LDS, then try to join ducttape-vrs [06:46] security stuff happens... [06:46] then i am magically part of the ducttape-vrs [06:47] eek [06:47] now behind the scenes, CM's of all nodes are working their asses off to let every other LDS know tha ti just joined [06:47] i then install my factor-prime-number EOD [06:47] so the EOD gets written to the VFS [06:48] and i let everyone have access to it [06:48] now we hvaent decided how we're going to do this, but there is a notion of an EOD that you want to run only on your LDS [06:48] and also EODs that you want everyone to run. like this one [06:48] notion? [06:48] idea [06:49] whatever [06:49] type [06:49] Action: ducttape isn't that stupid [06:49] then what is your question? [06:49] are you just correcting my ackward word usage? [06:49] "there is a notion of an EOD" as in some description? format? [06:49] or is there another question? [06:50] there are two types of EODs [06:50] or settings [06:50] the reason i'm being vague is beause i dont knwo how we're going to distinguish them yet [06:50] quick point, how far along the line is vrs? is there any code? what about designs? [06:50] anyways, the point is that we want to install the factor-prime-number EOD on all LDSes [06:51] we're designing [06:51] ok [06:51] and we have a good chunk of the CM [06:51] in the form of Goldwater middleware from Chris [06:51] what is goldwater? [06:51] so my LDS installs that EOD on all other LDS's [06:51] gw is middleware [06:52] providing what function? [06:52] [06:52] once each LDS installs my EOD, i can send them requests to do computations. [06:53] and a request would go from CM to other CMs and then to their SMs and back again. like before [06:53] the important thing to notice is that you can ask for services from inside the VRS. when you do, you have a greater control of what's happening. [06:53] any questions? [06:53] anyone still alive besides ducttape? [06:53] Action: ducttape is lost [06:53] =) [06:54] about the second use case? [06:54] Action: ducttape poiks fitzix and FrePort_ "wake up hes not THAT borring" [06:54] wtf goldwater is would be a good start? [06:54] He's not boring at all :) [06:54] FrePort_: are you there? [06:54] Action: ducttape forgot the smily on that last action [06:54] Action: ducttape poiks fitzix and FrePort_ "wake up hes not THAT borring" :o) [06:54] ducttape: ? [06:55] lol [06:55] It's a good design [06:55] ok, lets step up the abstraction tree [06:55] well if FrePort_ decides to show up he can read the log [06:55] my comment: it's very similar to MojoNation in some ways - are you guys aware of that software package? [06:55] me as Jo R user boots up her Pc and gets a doze of somekind [06:55] I hit start, then what do I do? [06:55] i'll go over the parts where we need auth of some sort and then people can get back at me about it [06:55] I've been reading, in between other efforts. :-) [06:56] fitzix: yes [06:56] fitzix: if my knowledge is correct, then MojoNation doesnt really share a consistent disk image across all participating nodes [06:56] alias: no - it doesn't. It keeps portions in redundant nodes (to my understanding) [06:56] and say if i have the only file on the network and i leave it, then the file is gone form teh network [06:57] a [06:57] ya [06:57] ok its getting really hot in my room, i'm going to hurry this up [06:57] well, my understanding was that it was persistent because mojonation would split the file up and copy it to available members to mirror - when one left, the chunks were mirrored again [06:57] ----------------------------------\ [06:58] Security [06:58] --------------------------- [06:58] There is basically two broad levels of security we need in VRs [06:58] one is client-VRS security and the other is LDS-LDS security [06:59] client-VRS security can be implemented with any mechanism normally available to a webserver, or whatever the EOD is. [06:59] ack Hold on. [07:00] sorry [07:00] back [07:00] i think what i said about client-VRS security is true.. [07:00] not sure [07:00] i dont think we want to restrict clients to trying to access the VRS, like a normal server [07:01] normal (web) server ? [07:01] ya scratch that [07:01] that made no sense [07:01] everyone - hang out here for a bit - FrePort has to leave for a couple [07:01] client-vrs we can definitely use macs [07:02] or i mean write a macs plugin for client-vrs auth [07:02] but the interesting part is LDS-LDS [07:02] ok.. i'll wait until FrePort_ gets back [07:03] alias: while we wait, I have some vrs non auth questions -> $0-vrs [07:03] msg me [07:05] I'm back. [07:06] ok [07:07] hey [07:07] Are we still on the VRS auth topic? [07:07] ya, so to recap [07:08] we can definitely do a macs plugin for client-vrs auth [07:08] but the area i want to explore is whether macs has a place in lds-lds auth [07:08] hmmmm... it'd be nice if we had something visual to go with this... [07:09] what do you mean? [07:09] like boxes with lds written in it all connected to each other? [07:09] alias, do you think you could diagram a client->VRS interaction with authentication/authorization included? [07:10] and I'd prefer circles and septagons, but squares are OK. [07:10] well i dont think we need it for client->VRS [07:10] it'll act like a regular standalone server [07:10] :-] [07:10] so we can write a macs plugin for it [07:10] but the important thing is lds-lds like i said [07:10] well here is our timeline [07:11] yesterday we all basically did a phase 1 requirements list [07:11] go on. [07:11] Action: ducttape makes a quick suggestion about [07:11] over the next two weeks we're going to try to hammer out a design [07:11] after a design with protocols and stuff exists, then we're all going to sit down to design a security model [07:12] so do you want to wait until then? [07:12] ack - gotta run guys :( [07:12] ie we'll send you the design docs and then we can all talk about security together? [07:13] fitzix: thanks for coming [07:13] thanks alias. [07:13] You can mail me the docs to the usual address and we can think on them. [07:13] alias: no problem - thank you. :) VRS has a very good design. I'm proud to have it as part of DotGNU. [07:14] ttyl all - sorry for the sudden exit :( [07:14] later [07:14] FrePort_: the final thing wont come until 2 weeks later [07:14] i'M OUT OF HERE TOO i'M AFRAID. [07:14] fitzix: thanks! [07:14] :) [07:14] FrePort_: do you want updates? [07:14] bye FrePort_ [07:14] alias: how's Bill doing, btw? [07:14] or see it as it comes? or just the final thing [07:15] WOAH caps [07:15] Whoa caps lock. [07:15] I'd like to see it in whatever state it's in at finalization. I can wait the two weeks. [07:15] Plenty of stuff to keep me busy until then. [07:15] fitzix: i have no idea [07:16] i havent talked to him [07:16] chris emailed his wife [07:16] FrePort_: ok [07:16] no response? [07:16] but still no word. [07:16] i hope he's doing ok [07:16] I hope so too... [07:16] let me know when you find anything out [07:17] Anythingelse on the agenda fo today? [07:17] ya i will [07:17] cool - ttyl all [07:17] fitzix: what are you working on in dotGNU, just wondering [07:17] no from me, hopefully you guys got something out of my babbling [07:18] alias: I'm a member of the Steering Committee - with what time I have, I try to keep up on everything [07:18] I did. Ducttape asks good questions. [07:18] 0oh cool [07:18] i was talking to nb [07:18] and i think i was suppose to ask you or someone else to give me access to the website [07:18] alias: yeah - if you need resources, decisions, or anything of the like - just let me know :) [07:18] or cvs savannah.. i dunno [07:18] but something [07:19] cause the poster/slogan thing was idea and i'm maintaining it [07:19] e-mail me your savannah username and I'll add you on :) [07:19] my idea even [07:19] ok thx [07:19] -or- [07:19] have you seen nb? [07:19] great idea :) [07:19] lately? He's been busy... I've talked with him via e-mail recently though [07:19] Action: alias wants [07:19] =) [07:20] oh ok, i'll email him then [07:20] he was suppose to hve that webpage done =) [07:20] hehe - the GNU address is much coveted... but, it's just an address :) [07:20] if you work, you'll get it [07:20] w000 [07:21] alias: sure thing - send him an e-mail. I'd do it myself but I'm stressed for time as it is... I don't even have enough to do the things I have to do... [07:21] no problem [07:21] i understand [07:21] although - me and my GF are hanging by a thread... I'd be surprised if we make it through the week... I may suddenly have more time [07:22] Action: ducttape is sorry to here that [07:22] ok, so is that the end of the meeting? [07:22] ducttape: thanks - but, there's nothing that can be done at this point... just going to have to wait and see [07:22] alias: you said all you needed? [07:22] ducttape: sure [07:23] anyone else want to ask alias some questions? [07:23] ya [07:23] thx [07:23] Action: ducttape holds up the thumb screws for anyone who wants them [07:23] go be w/ your woman [07:23] =) [07:23] ok, alias, thanks on behalf of everyone, your contributio is much appreciated [07:23] hehe - will do :) [07:23] thanks guys - ttyl [07:23] bye fitzix [07:24] Anyone got anything else to say? [07:24] adios muchachos [07:24] T^3L everyone. [07:24] fitzix ( left irc: "Client Exiting" [07:24] Action: ducttape gavels the meeting to a close [07:24] Only to say that I'll post the logs this week. [07:24] FrePort_: cheers Post Meeting =========== in which mds arrives 6 hours late to talk about integration... ------------------------------------------------------------- [13:12] hey, all. [13:12] hey [13:12] Your late! [13:12] heh. just a bit [13:13] I'm online from Tampa, over a crappy modem. [13:13] crappy modem! LUXURY! [13:13] ducttape: what are you, FedEx'ing packets to your gateway, or what's worse than a crappy 14.4 modem? [13:13] hey [13:15] 9600 modem! [13:17] Action: mds reads logs... [13:17] good idea [13:32] mds: you was missed! [13:38] ducttape: yeah, what can I say. I got called to Tampa this morning. (5-hour drive.) :-/ [13:38] poor you [13:38] no, it's a good thing, except for missing the meet. [13:38] again [13:38] why? [13:39] I'll have to talk to FrePort_ about MACS offline... [13:39] it's good because it was to pimp macs. =) [13:39] ok [13:40] Or you could talk to me now and save yourself the trouble. [13:40] FrePort_! [13:40] lo [13:40] In the virtualized flesh. [13:40] k. lemme get my stuff together (screen is awesome, but it has it's limitations...) [14:28] gah! I give up. I can try talking from memory. [14:28] hopefully the connection can stay up for more than a couple of minutes at a time. [14:29] Okay, let's "hear" it? [14:29] FrePort_: for all you know, you're old enough to be my grandpa. ;-) [14:30] ok. [14:31] as I recall, we were talking about where to put the control logic needed by FP. [14:31] yes [14:31] Yes we were. [14:31] The natural place seems to be in front of everything else, so we can short-circuit FP decisions without sextupling the code [14:32] (or rather, short-circuit macs decisions using FP logic...) [14:33] Go on. [14:35] I don't remember exactly why I didn't like that, there was something too restrictive about FP's requirements or something... [14:35] Action: mds excuses himself. It took 2 phone calls to finish that sentence! [14:35] hehehe... [14:36] Just pretend I'm all out-of-breath, just did a triathlon or something. [14:40] ok. well, for some reason I thought that the FP control logic should go between the servers and the method services [14:41] Make Freport a specialty configuration of MACS. Basically a compile time option. Freport is either on or off. [14:41] I don't remember why I thought that, but I think it has something to do with tighter data req's than I was hoping for? [14:41] well, what if we want to tie some FP data sources with some non-FP datasources? [14:42] Point taken. Go on. [14:42] I'd say run multiple instances, but that's redundant by far. [14:43] So if the control logic were behind the servers (I'm looking at the macsfreport.dia in my head) [14:43] then the servers could pass requests for FP data to that control logic, which would handle it. [14:45] and code duplication can be kept to a minimum because one single program can register itself to provide multiple method services for auth, authz, and profiling -- [14:45] or any combination [14:46] okay, I think that =might= be manageable. [14:46] (though the most common method service implementation until now has been one program, one method, one service) [14:46] I'll have to see your updated dia to be sure, but it sounds workable. [14:47] so the control logic needs much the same brains as in your diagram, since the servers pass it everything they know [14:47] that is if what's in my head matches what's in yours. [14:47] then the control logic dispatches accordingly, remote/local auth/authz/profile [14:48] yeah, let me see if I can find the .dia and put it up somewhere [14:48] no rush. I'm not processessing at high effeciency right now. It's been a very trying day. [14:51] What about the remote/local distinction that I need? [14:56] ok, good. I'll get it to you Tuesday. [14:56] Sounds cool to me. [14:57] Basically, I leave on an extended vacation near the end of the month., [14:57] I don't understand the distinction very well, but I think it could be made into two "independent" method services [14:57] Both methods could be handled by the same control logic program for auth, authz, and profs. [14:58] yes, though they'd need to be separately addressable, as in "Only send this request to the remotes" "only send it to the locals" and "send it to all, remote or local" [14:59] only freport would use the first two types of call. The normal app would probably use the "send it to all". [15:00] aye. [15:03] as I say, I'm not too clear on the local/remote distinction. [15:05] in any case, let's assume for now that the client has to specifically ask for that, in the form of a method. [15:06] the FP control logic can register itself as the handler for these methods. [15:07] okay. and then? [15:08] another problem you had pointed out, iirc, was code duplication where, say, an ldap method service for the macs part would be almost the same as an ldap adapter use by the FP parts. [15:10] to answer okay and then: the core servers would pass the request on to the control logic program, which would decide what to do with it, wrt passing it on to the rest of the FP system. [15:10] hmmmm... I think i get you. [15:11] I can't explain any better without referring to the diagram... [15:11] when you say [15:11] when you say "control logic program", do you mean an actually running process? [15:20] logically, yes. mechanically, sure, as an actually running process is fine. But whatever gets you there -- it could conceivable by a java servlet... [15:21] s/conceivable by/conceivably be/ [15:22] or anything else that can talk to the core via any of the several methods available (C/Perl/Java/TCL API, XML-RPC, SOAP, more to come...) [15:22] okay. that makes more sense. [15:23] So about the Freport adapters replicating macs method services and vice versa [15:26] there's no reason why FrePort can't use the macs core to talk to, say, an ldap store, rather than talking to the ldap store directly. [15:29] so that FP adapters just translate between FP adapter protocol and macs. [15:29] or FP could talk directly to macs w/o adapters, whatever makes more sense. [15:31] and that's it. [15:31] that's my big plan [15:31] not very impressive, eh? [15:31] ;-) [15:33] It's not that. I'm being swept up by a certain filly who booked my time tonight. [15:33] I wasn't expecting to be carrying on two conversations [15:43] Good. Keep busy while I wrestle with a bad connection.. see if I can't get this .dia up somewhere [15:51] maybe you should just e-mail it? [15:52] Aha! [15:52] [15:52] well, the problem was staying connected long enough to do anything...