D E B I A N - S F     H o m e p a g e :-)
Getting involved

Thanks to Christian's constant nagging, the whole package is hosted on Savannah. The project name is debian-sf. Savannah is a variant of Sourceforge (in fact, a fork of the 2.0 code) maintained and hosted by the FSF for GNU projects and recently other Free Software projects too.

If you want to keep informed on this package, please drop by and see for yourself. There are three mailing-lists, subscribe at will.

If you want to occasionnally help the development of this package, get yourself an account on Savannah and post patches. If you're serious about it, tell me and I'll add you to the group so that you have CVS write access.

If you want to help but cannot commit yourself to active development, install and use the package, track bugs on the Debian BTS, send additional info (or patches) on existing bugs, and submit reports for any other bugs. Savannah does not provide a bug-tracker yet, but Debian has its own, so it's better to use that one.

c o n t e n t s
  • main page
  • development <<
  • future plan
  • download
  • screenshot

  • > about us <
    © The Debian-SF project