ctlseqs_reader_config - configure control sequence reader

#include <ctlseqs.h>
int ctlseqs_reader_config(
    struct ctlseqs_reader               *reader,
    struct ctlseqs_reader_options const *options

Changes the properties of the given reader.

The options argument is a pointer to a struct ctlseqs_reader_options, as shown below:

struct ctlseqs_reader_options { union ctlseqs_value *result; size_t maxlen; int fd; unsigned flags; };

Field result is the pointer to the buffer where the values extracted from the matching sequence of ctlseqs_read will be stored.

Field maxlen specifies the maximum possible length (in bytes) of control sequence to be read.

Field fd is the file descriptor to read from.

Field flags is the bit mask of multiple boolean options.

In a ctlseqs_read call, do not poll before read. You may want this option enabled if fd is polled elsewhere (e.g. in an event loop).
When a sequence is successfully matched against a pattern during ctlseqs_read, save the original sequence to result alongside the extracted values.

Fails to allocate sufficient memory.
Attempts to change maxlen value, but data in the internal read buffer will be lost due to truncation, if done so.

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ctlseqs_match(3), ctlseqs_read(3)
September 1, 2020 0.1.0