
Easily call C from any language.

Java Examples

This page is intended to be a repository for useful examples of using the C/Invoke Java Binding, as a companion for the reference documentation. We are just getting started for now so the supply is a little low; if you have a useful example to share please help us out by submitting it to the mailing list.

Linux getpass()

The same example from the Lua page, translated into Java:

import org.cinvoke.*;

class GetPass {
	interface libc {
		String getpass(String prompt);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		libc c = (libc)CInvoke.load("libc.so.6", libc.class);

		System.out.println("You entered: " + c.getpass("Enter password: "));

Win32 Example

This example shows how to get the screen resolution by calling the Win32 API:

import org.cinvoke.*;

class Win32Test {
	interface User32 {
		public NativeInt GetSystemMetrics(NativeInt nIndex);
	private static final NativeInt SM_CXSCREEN = new NativeInt(0);
	private static final NativeInt SM_CYSCREEN = new NativeInt(1);
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		User32 u = (User32)CInvoke.load("User32.dll", User32.class, CInvoke.CC.STDCALL);
		System.out.println("Your monitor resolution is " +
			u.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) + "x" + u.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN));