
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


  Spatial speckle contrast window [1] method. This consist in test the contrast 
  of speckles in a window region of an image. The image DATAFRAME is
  divided into windows of WLines pixel lines and WColumns pixel columns.
  The contrast in a window Cw is calculated as the quotient between spatial
  standard deviation (populational) and spatial mean in the window.
  All the pixels in the analysed window are filled with the contrast value.

  Cw=(Spatial Deviation)/(Spatial Mean)
  [1]  Cardoso, R.R. ; Braga, R.A. ; Rabal, H.J. Alternative protocols on 
       dynamic speckle laser analysis. SPIE 8413, V International Conference 
       on Speckle Metrology. 2012

  After starting the main routine just type the following command at the
  [C,mC] = sscont(DATAFRAME,WLines,WColumns);
  % Analysis window of 6x5 pixels.
  [C,mC] = sscont(DATAFRAME,6,5);  
  DATAFRAME is the image under analysis.
  WLines    is the number of lines in the analysed window.
  WColumns  is the number of columns in the analysed window.

  C         is the spatial speckle contrast window image.
  mC        is the mean value of the contrast in all windows.

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Package: bsltl