Install XEP

Request a license for the free Personal Edition of XEP at

The license key will be emailed to you.

Collect your email and follow the instructions it contains.

Once through, you will have two files:

license.xml" (x.x is the version number, and yyyyyyyy is a date)

Place both of the files in your home directory:

Don't bother to unzip the xep installation file. Bibledit will do that for you when you install.

As you have put both files in your home directory, next time you start Bibledit, it will find them, and install XEP on its own.

If XEP won't install, then go to menu Preferences, Formatter. In that dialog there are four steps given. All of these steps are to show "Done". Anything not yet done needs attention. Press the buttons and make settings till they all show fine. Then press Ok, and XEP will be installed.

Note. If "Install or upgrade XEP" shows "Done", that means XEP has already been installed, and there is no need to worry about anything that still indicates "to do".

Note. If you wish to upgrade to a more recent version of XEP, then "Install or upgrade XEP" will be green/done. This is because the older version is still installed. If you wish to upgrade, press the "Install" button.