Import Text Dialog

This dialog is accessed through the menu, File, Project, Import.

Directory: Select the directory that contains the files to import. By default it points to the home directory.

File: Optionally select a compressed archive. If a compressed archive is selected for import, Bibledit will then try to unpack this archive. If that is successful, then the selected directory goes into the uncompressed archive. Using the Directory button, the user can then further navigate the archive.

Assign: Assign names to books that are not known to Bibledit.

Books: Select which books to import.

Unicode: Select how to convert the books that are not in Unicode format.

Option Overwrite: If ticked, files that are imported can overwrite existing data. This only works for USFM files. If for example a file is imported that contains Genesis chapter 2 and chapter 5, then only these two chapters will be imported, overwriting the existing chapters if they are there. Other chapters in Genesis are not touched.

Option Use unusual book names: Applies when importing files from the Online Bible.

See also: Import, Task Import.