
This dialog is accessed through menu File / Project / Properties, then button Dictionaries.

The dialog lists the dictionaries that are used for checking the spelling of the text of the project.


Press button "Connect" to connect to a dictionary and add it to the list.

There are various types of dictionaries that can be added.

- "Project <project name> Shared Dictionary. This dictionary belongs to a project. It is called "shared", because if collaboration is used, the dictionary is shared with other workstations.

- Dictionaries that have two-letter names, such as "en", "he", "en_ZW", and so forth. These are dictionaries that are installed on your system. Bibledit does not know what these abbreviations mean. Some of them can be guessed. It depends entirely on which dictionaries you have installed on your system.

- "Global Dictionary". This is one global dictionary provided by Bibledit.


To disconnect a dictionary, select it, and press the Disconnect button.

If a dictionary is "disconnected", it remains on disk. This dictionary is no longer used to check the text of the project.


Some dictionaries can be edited, and others cannot. If a dictionary can be edited, then the "Edit" button is sensitive. If this button is clicked, all the words in the dictionary become visible. These can be edited, and if Ok is pressed, these are saved to disk.


If spelling of text is to be checked, Bibledit consults all the dictionaries that are in the list. It starts from the top one, and works to the bottom, in order to find the word. If you wish to use another order, you can drag a dictionary to another position.

System dictionaries

Bibledit accesses the dictionaries through Enchant. Enchant supports a variety of spelling check programs. It supports Aspell, Hspell, Ispell, MySpell, and so forth. Any dictionaries installed on your system for these spelling checkers will become available to Bibledit through Enchant. For example, if Dutch spelling checking is desired using Aspell, then a package like with a name like "aspell-nl" should be installed. Once done, this language is available.