Install xulrunner from source

Download package xulrunner-x.x-source.tar.bz2 (x.x is to be replaced with the actual version number). It is available from too.

Move it to the home directory

In the terminal, to verify the package is there, type


To unpack xulrunner type

tar jxf xulrunner-x.x.tar.bz2

To enter the newly created directory, type

cd mozilla

To download a configuration file, type


To give this file a proper name, type

mv dot.mozconfig .mozconfig

To configure xulrunner, type


Watch many messages, but no errors.

To compile xulrunner, type


Watch many messages, but no errors.

To install it, type

sudo make install

Watch many messages, but no errors.

As root, copy all the files and directories from /usr/lib/xulrunner-x.x.x.x to /usr/lib. To do this, type

cp -r /usr/lib/xulrunner-x.x.x.x/* /usr/lib

In the above command the "x.x.x.x" should be replaced with the actual version number, for example "". If it asks to overwrite any file, answer yes.

To go back to the home directory, type
