Install Bibledit on XO from source

Install Bibledit on a Fedora Core 7 system, see the instructions for how to do that.

Ensure that Bibledit runs properly on this Fedora system.

Collect all files and dependencies Bibledit needs. To do this, type

bibledit-olpc-librarian bibledit-xo-x.x

This will create a file called bibledit-xo-x.x.tar.gz. This file contains all files and dependencies you need to get Bibledit on the XO machine. At the time of writing this the size of the file was about 12 Mbyte.

Otherwise this file can also be downloaded from the site but this may not be the newest version.

Start the XO machine, and connect it to the network.

Start a Terminal by clicking the Terminal activity icon.

Move the file bibledit-xo tarball to the XO machine's home directory.

Open a terminal.

In the terminal, login as user root. Type

sudo su -

No password should be asked.

Move the bibledit-xo tarball, downloaded above, to the root directory:

mv /home/olpc/bibledit-xo-x.x.tar.gz /

Unpack this tarball:

cd /
tar zxf bibledit-xo-x.x.tar.gz

Exit from user root.

To run Bibledit, in the terminal type


Next time, the only thing needed to start Bibledit, is to start the Terminal and type "bibledit" in it.