OpenSuse 11.2

Bibledit installation on standard openSUSE with KDE desktop.

Insert the installation media.

Click the Suse icon, at the bottom left, then Computer, then Install Software.

Search for "gtk2-devel", and tick it.

Click button Accept.

In window "Changed Packages", click "Continue".

The installer will take a while to update the system. Close the window when through.

In the same way search for and install "sqlite3-devel", "gcc-c++", "libxml2-devel", "git-core", "enchant-devel", "gtkhtml2-devel", "rcs", "gtksourceview-devel", "libwebkit-devel", "dbus-1-glib-devel", "make", "patch"

Open a terminal by clicking the Suse icon, then Terminal Program.

Install Bibledit.

Run Bibledit.

Install the optional components.