Package bazaar :: Module assoc
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Module bazaar.assoc

Association classes.

There are several types of associations: All of them can be:

Defining associations between application classes is described in documentation of bazaar.conf module.

Referenced objects are accessed in object-oriented manner:
   # create objects
   ord = Order()
   oi  = OrderItem()
   art = Article()

   # assign reference
   oi.article = art

   # append object reference to list of objects of one-to-many association

   for oi in ord.items:
       print oi.article

Getting object reference (oi.article) or iterator of referenced objects (ord.items) is performed with descriptors (see below). Iterator of objects is implemented with bazaar.assoc.ObjectIterator class. The class makes possible operating on objects, i.e. appending objects into relationship.

One side of specific relationship is realized with one class descriptor:
   | Association  |   Uni-directional   |          Bi-directional           |
   |              |     A    |    B     |         A       |        B        |
   | one-to-one   | OneToOne | OneToOne | BiDirOneToOne   | BiDirOneToOne   |
   | one-to-many  | OneToOne | ---      | OneToMany       | BiDirOneToOne   |
   | many-to-many | List     | List     | BiDirManyToMany | BiDirManyToMany |
   A < 1 ------ 1 > B         one-to-one
   A < 1 ------ * > B         one-to-many
   A < * ------ * > B         many-to-many

AssociationReferenceProxy Association reference proxy class for application objects.
BiDirList Basic bi-directional one-to-many and many-to-many association descriptor.
BiDirManyToMany Bi-directional many-to-many association descriptor.
BiDirOneToOne Bi-directional one-to-one association descriptor.
List Basic descriptor for one-to-many and many-to-many associations.
ObjectIterator Iterator of referenced objects of one-to-many and many-to-many associations.
OneToMany One-to-many association descriptor.
OneToOne Class for uni-directional one-to-one association descriptors.

Function Summary
  juggle(obj, value, app, rem)
Dictionaries app and rem contain sets of referenced objects indexed by application objects obj.

Variable Summary
Log log = <bazaar.Log object at 0x300b0d10>

Function Details

juggle(obj, value, app, rem)

Dictionaries app and rem contain sets of referenced objects indexed by application objects obj.

Function appends referenced object value to set app[obj] and removes it from rem[obj]. If set rem[obj] contains no values, then it is deleted.

Variable Details


<bazaar.Log object at 0x300b0d10>                                      

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Tue May 10 18:27:29 2005