First, a link to the Savannah project page.
The sources are here, in a CVS repository.

This project is an inventory manager and deck builder for players of the collectible card game Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.

It's first goal is to be a useful replacement for the Elder Library Deck Builder, the currently used software, which is unfortunately non-free, Windows-only,and unmaintained.

This project intends to produce a free and portable clone of ELDB, and to add new functionalities as the VTES card game is evolving. The initial target platform is GNU/Linux, but by using wxWindows, the software is easily compiled for Windows as well.

Inventory functions include: keeping track of your VTES collection (have & need), taking notes and easy card browsing using various selection criteria. Also handles inventory import/export.

Deck builder functions include: selection of cards to include, automatic calculation of various statistics (crypt capacity, totals by card type, Happy Families formula, etc.), simulated draw of cards, and of course, saving and exporting to various formats (text, HTML, JOL).

The building bricks are:

Building the sources

[Windows users] Installing the tools

If you feel like an adventurer, you can certainly try to compile the sources with MS Visual Studio (or whatever), but I cannot help you on this - it has never been done. If you manage to get it to compile properly however, I'll gladly publish your howto on this site.
The only tried-and-true way to compile ARDB is the Linux way. So, you need a Linux-like compiling environment.

Go to the Cygwin website, and download their installer. Run that tiny setup.exe.
When the tree/list of packages to install appears, make sure you check in:

Wait for the whole stuff to download (long), and then, you'll have a nice Cygwin icon on your desktop, which leads to a Unix-like prompt. A good thing to know: your C: drive will be mounted in /cygdrive/c.

(help on the command line:

Your compiler is gcc. You're ready to go.

Installing wxWindows

wxWindows 2.4.x is required.

If you want to compile ARDB, you'll first need the wxWindows GUI library:

Then you need to compile and install it. Enter its source directory and type:

./configure && make && make install
Compiling ARDB

Downloading ARDB sources is simple:

export CVS_RSH="ssh"
cvs -z3 co anarchdb

Then, compiling ARDB is like:

go to the 'sqlite' subdir, and type

./configure && make

go to the 'wxARDB' subdir, and type


finally, copy ardb.exe and cards.db in the same dir, and voila!