AMPU Project

Use Case
Use Case Diagram 0
Name Select Juror
Iteration Filled
Summary Select a Jury member, from the available pool of Citizens.
Basic Course of Events
  1. Get list of possible Jurors (the Citizens subscribed to this Jury's parent Initiative).
  2. Exclude previously summoned Citizens from list
  3. Select new Juror from list at random
  4. Summon new Juror
  5. Publish notification of Juror's selection or refusal.
Alternative Paths
Exception Paths
Extension Points
  • At Step 1
  • , it is possible to select Jury members from groups other than the Initiative's subscribers. Anyone could be selected from the entire Citizens' Registrar, given an implementation of Direct Democracy's selection methods.
  • At Step 3, it is possible to select Jurors other than by random methods, if so desired. I doubt other methods would prove sensible, but desire for a Mojo/Karma system is not inconceivable.
Related Environment Rules
Author Jel
Date 2002/03/26 - Facade
2002/03/26 - Filled